23 August 2011

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Everytime I'm feeling uncomfortable where I am or becoming tired of my situation, I get spurred into action to do the things I need to do to get me out of the situation. Many of us get tired and are not doing what we need to be doing. And that's because we're not keeping our eyes on the prize. Stay focused on the end point and you will be surprised how energized you'll become to keep going. Jesus Christ, for the Joy that was set before Him endured the Cross. Are you enduring the pain today knowing what it will result in? The pain of exercise, staying one more day in that marriage, calling more prospects, studying for exams, praying about that situation and so on...you name it. One of the points in Franklin Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Successful People is to "Begin with the end in Mind". Keep the prize or end result in front of you and you'll get there soon enough.


  1. ''Begin with the end in mind''. What fabulous advice. How did you know that I needed to hear that today?! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. I guess it all depends what you are trying to do... if you are only focused on the end, you might miss a bunch of good stuff in the middle...

  3. Exactly, I love the quote if you don't like the situation you are in, change it. You are not a tree
    Shasie of Live Life in Style

  4. Tru LyddieGal. One must enjoy the ride, learn some things in order to be strong and be faithful while on the journey to reaching the goal.
