20 December 2011

Red and Black

Every Christmas season, the entire world goes red, white, black, green and gold. Our choir uniform this past Sunday was red and black.

Let's not forget that Jesus is the reason .....

For Wearing Red....For all the shopping craze....For all the presents....For all the carols....For all the kindness and goodness that goes around this time of the year...Many don't want to admit it or have forgotten that He's the reason for the season.....Let's not forget that. The entire world celebrates Christmas in one form or the other - commercially or spiritually to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This proves to me that He is real. What will you do with Jesus?

Here's moi in my version of red and black. I chose comfort over style in the second picture. I wore the boots because we were standing for the most part during church service

Hat - Old Navy, Necklace - Avon, Dress and Shoes (heels) - Macy's. 

Sweater -Macy's, Belt - Nine West via Macy's, Boots - Nine West


  1. Cute look! It's so easy for people to forget the REAL meaning of Christmas! I plan to remind everyone on Christmas Day with a scripture :-)

    Shasie of Live Life in Style

  2. You look lovely! Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  3. That red hat is the perfect touch!
