21 January 2012

Playing it Up....or Down

Tunic and Jeggings- TJ Maxx, Boots - Nine West

Love this tunic because it's fuller at the hips. Thus, creating a balanced look. As you all know I'm always looking to play down my heavy top and play up my skinny bottom ;). In what ways do you play down or play up your shape?
(Gosh! Excuse the lighting)


  1. I have to avoid entire cuts of clothing because they make my (mostly) rectangular shape look even more rectangular! Looks like this tunic is doing you some good favors. (:

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  4. I have the same body type as you, and I am petite. I usually only wear stretchy everything! I like your top, but it looks like it pulls a bit on the bust. I am sure if you had bought a bigger size it will have been too wide at the bottom. Ah! the eternal Inverted triangle issues! I am new to your blog, I am glad I found a blogger with a cornet body as myself! I have subscribed. :)
