27 August 2012

Blue and Green

This is what I wore to our Avon Product expo late last week. I'm wearing my two favorite colors, blue and green. The skirt is actually green but looks like teal here.

And No, that's not my necklace but my badge and Unplugged fragrance cards. John Bovi has partnered with Avon and launched a new fragrance, Unplugged for him and her. Coming soon....

Top, Skirt, and Belt - Target, Shoes - Madden Girl via 6pm

Stay tuned for amazing products for fall and the holidays. I was really impressed by the line of products.

 Linking up at Monday Mingle


  1. You are rocking that great pencil skirt! This is such a great color combo and the leopard belt is the icing on the cake :)

  2. I really love blue and green. I feel like that's all I've worn this summer.
    You look fabulous. Going to have a look around your blog.

  3. That top+skirt matched together look so good! I found the same on this site Stylephotos
