22 March 2013

Simple Grey with an Animal Sweater

This animal sweater has been hard for me to style. Not because of the animal print but because of the length. It's too long. It's for tall people. I ordered it online and decided to keep it. For now, it only works with boot cut jeans for me. I tried them with skinny jeans but it did not look good. It's also not long enough to be a tunic.

.....And I just want to say thank you to all my new followers through the Tiny Heart giveaway. I hope you enjoy reading. And there will more giveaways soon.

Sweater - Old Navy, Jeans - Old (similar), Pumps - Nine West (similar), (other colors), (love this), Bracelets, Earrings - Avon

Please help me earn my free trip to Hawaii by ordering some Avon. Stock up on your basic needs and so much more.
If your order is $50 or more, you will receive a $10 Target Gift Card from me. 
Thanks so Much!


  1. Super cute sweater and it looks great with your jeans. You look so tall and lean! Maybe try tucking it into a higher waisted pencil skirt too? Heather

    1. Thanks Heather. I thought of the pencil skirt option actually. I will try that.

  2. The sheep are so cute! If a sweater is too long, I sometimes will roll the bottom up a little. I think it would look really cute with a button down shirt underneath.

    The Tiny Heart
    $50 PayPal Giveaway!

    1. Ok will have to try the button down shirt option. thanks

  3. Oh that sweater is adorable and I think it looks great on you just how you have it! Love it!

  4. This is a seriously cute trend and I have not gotten on board yet.
    Method Clothe

  5. Cute look! I think the sweater looks perfect with this outfit and can easily be worn with black pants and heels.


  6. Hmmm… from one tall girl ( I’m 5’11) to another… I feel you on how hard it is to find clothes the right length! Those shoes are hawt!

    Ps… thanks for becoming a follower!

  7. Love that sweater on you!! Old Navy has really been stepping up their game lately! Have a fab weekend!

  8. Amazing sweater, I found the same on this site Stylephotos
