14 December 2013

Dots and Stripes

Just a quick post for you today. The fact that I do not have my photographer available to take my pictures anymore except on the weekends has made it possible for me to take even more outfit pictures. I take them myself now during the week so I always have too many pictures sometimes. I usually talk myself into not taking pictures on some days. 
This is what I wore on Friday. Final day of all the walking around and being on my feet at work. Another simple, comfortable outfit. The scarf (previously worn here) is actually a regular scarf. I turned it into an infinity scarf. I should be back to some fancy posting next week. Have a great weekend.

Sweater - Target / Similar
Jeans - Really Old / Similar / Similar
Boots - Nine West / Similar
Scarf -Avon / Similar 

Sole Society Scarves & Wraps · Barneys New York Scarves & Wraps · BCBGeneration Scarves & Wraps

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  1. Polka dots and stripes is such a great combo!


  2. What a cute simple outfit! I would never have put stripes and dots together!

  3. You look great! I love the polka dots with the strips.
