26 March 2014

Bright Orange and Blue Stripes

It's that time of the year to start layering with a cardigan and wearing some more color. Although it's still cold in this neck of the woods, I think I'm tired of wearing my pullover sweaters and winter scarves. Layering with a cardigan is a good way to transition into spring, and doing it with a bright cardigan is a winner. You can't go wrong with colorful cardigans because they open up endless opportunities for remixing your wardrobe and add an extra punch to any outfit. I was in such a good mood all day with this orange cardi. I guess bright colors bring about some cheeriness.
The striped top has made its round on this blog, and as I mentioned in a previous post, I'm always drawn to blue stripes. A good way to wear stripes if you are not comfortable for fear of looking too wide is by layering like I've done here.

What to wear with orange, orange with blue stripes
Blue Stripes, levis jeans for big tummy, levis 512 perfect slimming
How to wear stripes, stripes for plus size, stripes for busty frame,

Cardigan - Gap / Similar / Similar
Striped Top - Avon (old) / SimilarOption / Option
Jeans - Levis / Similar
Bracelets, Ring, Necklace - Avon



  1. This is my kinda outfit, and I feel the same way about cardigans and color!


  2. Very cute! Love the color combo! The cardigan is adorable!

    xo, Kenya
