24 April 2014

Greens and Greys

Green with grey is a color combination that I'm loving lately. I was sent this mint infinity color block scarf by 9th & Elm and I decided to wear it with this grey dress, an Avon favorite of mine. The green trench is making it's debut on the blog. I think I got it two years from Old Navy and never wore it much because, let's face it, it's a spring jacket and we don't get much of a spring around here. It's still sort of cold as we speak and next thing you know, it will be summer and there will be no need for jackets.  Anyway, if you're looking for a way to wear your grey piece next time, try pairing it with something green. 

Be sure to check out 9th & Elm.  They provide lovely hand made and independent designed clothing and accessories. I would also wear the color block infinity scarf with a maxi dress or white tee with jeans. 

How to wear an infinity scarf, how to wear a big scarf
Grey pumps Caress Nine West

Scarf - 9th & Elm
Dress - Avon (old) / Option / Option / Option
Green Trench - Old Navy / Similar / Similar / Love this / Green with Trim
Pumps - Nine West / Similar / Similar

Monogram necklaces



  1. That jacket color is gorgeous!

  2. The emerald green trench is stunning on you! Thanks for linking up :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Starbucks Giveaway!

  3. You know, I don't often think of pairing green and gray... I like it!

  4. Love the colors! That scarf is gorgeous and perfect for spring! Love the color combo!

    xo, Kenya
