11 April 2014

Sandals for Spring

It's time to start showing some toes with spring sandals. Wearing sandals is one of my favorite things to do once the weather starts warming up. 
Here are a few picks for you and how to wear them....from dressy, to edgy, to casual; each one of these sandals will make a great addition to your wardrobe and take your outfit up a notch.  I love them all and want them all; especially no 1. and 5. I already own something similar to no. 2 and no 4 so I shall be content with not getting those.  Happy shopping!
Nine West Jelica Peep toe wedge, Edeline platform sandals, Aila sling back sandals, sling back mule
1. Dress Sandals - Wear with a dress or midi skirt for any occasion
2. Lace up Booties - Wear with a pencil skirt or skinny jeans
 3. Marc Fisher - Wear with skinny jeans
4. Platform Sandals - Wear with flared jeans or white flared pants
5. Peep Toe Wedge - Wear with a floral skirt or summer/spring dress
Link ups: Style Elixir, Fashion Friday


  1. I'll take number 1, 2 and 3 please! :) Now I just need to make sure my toes are always painted ;)


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