26 September 2014

On becoming more Effective and Achieving Results

growth, personal growth, self improvement quote, 15 Laws of Growth
When the odds are against you, take action on what you can control and what is possible.
When there's not enough money, do what you can with what you have.
Do not allow anyone to get to you.
Do not take any offence, take a deep breath and focus on the big picture, focus on the results, focus on the end.
Be proactive and not reactive
If it's raining outside, don't complain about the weather. Smile and start selling umbrellas
- Darren Hardy
Happy Friday!
P.S. There's still time to sign up for the online master class on the 15 laws of Growth. Finish strong in 2014 and get a great start in 2015. Learn the underlying principles of growing and reaching your greatest potential! I would love to have you. Register here 

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