08 September 2014

The Truth is not in the Appearance of Things

personal development, growth

Just a little motivation for you this Monday. 

We cannot continue to trust in and believe in what is currently happening or what is the reality and settle. 

Let your dreams rise above your excuses. Let your goals compel you to keep moving. Keep working on the things that will get you closer to your goal. 

At a Bloggy Boot Camp conference I attended this weekend, we were asked: "What is your end game?" I ask you the same thing. We need to work from the end to the the present. Think of your end game (your dream) and work towards it.  Let go of anything that is not moving you towards your goal. When you have this mindset, decision making will be easier. You begin to say no to things that don't matter and you begin to recognize opportunities that matter. 

So what do you think? Do you have a dream, goal, something you are working towards? Does it seem impossible? Do you feel you've been acting based on the current reality? What would things be like if you began to think differently?

Your current logic and beliefs are creating the results you are currently getting - Paul Martinelli

Register for my online class on the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth where we will talk about personal growth, what it can do for you and your business, and how you will hone in on your passion and reach your potential. Register here 

Thank you for Reading

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