08 May 2011

Changing My Idea about Success

I read an article on the women entreprenuer website the other day and this quote caught my attention: "The definition of success for a man may be different for a woman". This really caught my attention because I realize that people hold back on their dreams because they are defining success by what other people define success to be. My idea of success may not mean the same as your idea of success. To one, success may mean raising children with good values, while to another it may mean being a good wife. Because someone else does not see this as success, the person who sees this as their dream holds back and does not do what is required to achieve such dream.
This has changed my perspective. I've actually being holding back on my dreams because I've always assumed it's not everyone's idea of success. You may be a successful manager right now or so it seems in the eyes of others but are you really successful? At what cost? Is it costing you your marriage, or your values?
So what is success to you? Go for it and don't let anyone's idea of success stop you from achieving your dreams.

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