15 May 2011

Creating Balance

I was at my Avon Business meeting the other day and people kept asking me how I do it all. I’m always out looking for new recruits for my business and what I hear all the time is “I’m too busy”. I work full time, I’m a wife, mom (plus everything that comes with it), active in church and run a part time business. Well, I keep everything in balance. All these roles are very important to me so I have scheduled everything into my 18 hr hour days without letting any of the roles suffer much. Also, time management is very important- time wasting is not an option although there are times I do nothing which is also beneficial.  I do spend time relaxing.
So how do I balance it all-I compromise a bit on everything while still being there most of the time. You’ve got to ask for what you want to achieve your goals. For example, I asked for a day to work from home, so I can save two hours of driving in the week. I also bought one week of vacation ( I don’t even miss the money) so I could have additional days off and that is working out because I’ve been earning all these free trips from Avon. I miss one bible study session at church in a month to make my monthly Avon meetings. I may get raised eyebrows by doing this but I’m still in the faith, I’m still there and I still have my business. As a Christian I have to continue in God’s word and hang with God every day so I have a bible everywhere – on my phone, one in my car, one at work and one by my bedside so there’s no excuse not to read the word of God. For my business, I incorporate it into everything I do and everywhere I go. I’ve picked up customers along my way to work and to church so I don’t have to make any extra trips to service them. I utilize my lunch time (just 30 minutes by the way) to read my bible or email customers or work on church business(I do other administrative stuff for church). So the point is creating balance…looking at your whole week or the month and seeing where you could fit all the activities and cutting off what you can afford to cut off occasionally without totally compromising it.

So think you’re too busy to run a side business or take on something new? Think again….

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