11 May 2012

The Many Hats Women Wear - In Honor of Mother's Day

A few years ago I had the privilege of showcasing one of my businesses at a direct sales team meeting and I was amazed at how many hats women wear.  As the women introduced themselves, they told everyone their professions- this in addition to the business they were running. It got me thinking.... women are amazing. It's not just work/life but it's work/life/business and much more that we are balancing.  That's just us and I think God put that in us. Look at the Proverbs 31 woman - she did it all while her husband was sitting at the gate. Many working women today are also the business owners in the family.  I hear that a majority of the small business start ups in recent years are owned by women.  I heard about a woman who earns a six figure income and runs around in the evening working her business. I think it's pure passion and love for doing something more empowering just as it is for me with my Avon business and now this blog. I started this blog on blogger a year ago and I'm really enjoying it. See my first post here to see why I blog.

So, that day I went to the meeting after rushing home from work, picking up the kids, getting something for them on the way, dropped them at my sister's while asking myself why am I doing this? At the end of the meeting though I was more energized. I got home did the dishes, fed the little one, put a load in the washer, read my bible and fulfilled my other wifely duties before finally calling it a night. (I don't advise doing this everyday). I Woke up to the voice of my husband saying it was after six. I quickly jumped out of bed.....it was time to put on the day job hat....

Just recently, I also attended a blogging conference and I was amazed at how many women were there who had full time jobs but are so passionate about blogging. Taking time out of their busy schedules to attend a blogging conference - Craziness? or passion. One of the speakers at the conference is an attorney by day and blogger on the side. As I was driving to the conference I was wondering: "what is an engineer doing going to this conference?" but I find (and I'm sure most of you feel the same way)  that all these things make me happy, more energized, and more fulfilled.

So to all women out there, many hats off to you and Happy Mother's day! (Whether you're a mom or not) and I pray thay you can one day  follow your real passions full time if you so desire.

Related Post: How I do it all: Creating Balance

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