
Black and Brown

Not much words today. The weather is getting a little warmer and you can see, the snow hasn't fully melted. This may be the last of these boots for this season.  I sure am tired of wearing them.
It's been a tough week for me hence the lack of posts. I thought I loved blogging enough to keep posting through the issues but it wasn't happening. But I've been hiding under God's grace and trusting in His strength and doing my best not to stay away from His presence and work through it all. I'm learning not to abandon my spiritual duty post (ministry) despite what I'm going through. So trust Him if you feel like giving up.
Well, these are more words than I wanted to write. Stay blessed and have a Happy Easter. Remember the reason we celebrate is because of what Jesus did for us. All you have to do is accept Him. 

Tunic - Macy's, Jeans's - Style and Co via Macy's, Boots - Nine West (similar)


  1. Have a wonderful Easter.

    Your boots are gorgeous!

  2. Absolutely love this outfit! That tunic and those boots are amazing!
