
Oxford Heels and a Bad Excuse

Hey all, I'm doing better with my tights. I wore tights two days in a row and I'm getting more comfortable. These ones are from Nine West. I also brought out my oxford heels from hiding and wore them. I forgot I had them. That's the problem with not been able to display your shoes due to lack of space. Oxford heels are a great alternative to boots and pumps.

Sweater - Gap, Skirt - Macy's, Tights - Nine West, Oxfords - Nine West

P.S excuse my grainy and inside pictures. I actually took pictures outside but they ended up being bad. We usually rush those outside pics for fear of someone coming along. And I know this shouldn't be an excuse. I can never be successful without taking the risk of not caring what other people think. This blog will not be more successful unless I stop caring what other people think about me taking pictures outside pictures for the sake of quality.


  1. I love a good pair of oxfords. Yours look great paired with the skirt and tights.

    Also, don't worry about the indoor pics. I still won't venture away from my backyard or front door for fear of someone seeing me. Maybe I will get brave one day and go out into the street or sidewalk for photos :) Heather

  2. Sorry I haven't commented in a while. I have been keeping up on posts though ;) Love the new design! And congrats on 100 followers :)

  3. Love this polished work look! I hate when people watch me take photos outside but I do it anyway...oh, the problems of being a blogger :) Happy Friday!

    The Tiny Heart

  4. You look so sophisticated and chic dear! I just came across your blog and I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog & if you like, following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Looking forward to your next post! xx
